public interface IComponentRegistration : IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable{
/// <summary>
/// Gets a unique identifier for this component (shared in all sub-contexts.)
/// This value also appears in Services.
/// </summary>
Guid Id { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the activator used to create instances.
/// </summary>
IInstanceActivator Activator { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the lifetime associated with the component.
/// </summary>
IComponentLifetime Lifetime { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether the component instances are shared or not.
/// </summary>
InstanceSharing Sharing { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether the instances
/// of the component should be disposed by the container.
/// </summary>
InstanceOwnership Ownership { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the services provided by the component.
/// </summary>
IEnumerable<Service> Services { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets additional data associated with the component.
/// </summary>
IDictionary<string, object?> Metadata { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the component registration upon which this registration is based.
/// </summary>
IComponentRegistration Target { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the resolve pipeline for the component.
/// </summary>
IResolvePipeline ResolvePipeline { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the options for the registration.
/// </summary>
RegistrationOptions Options { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Provides an event that will be invoked just before a pipeline is built,
/// and can be used to add additional middleware
/// at that point.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">
/// Attaching to this event after a component registration
/// has already been built will throw an exception.
/// </exception>
[SuppressMessage("CA1003", "CA1003", Justification = "Breaking API change.")]
event EventHandler<IResolvePipelineBuilder> PipelineBuilding;
/// <summary>
/// Builds the resolve pipeline.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="registryServices">The available services.</param>
void BuildResolvePipeline(IComponentRegistryServices registryServices);
IComponentRegistry 接口表示组件注册表
// IComponentRegistry 接口表示组件注册表,它包含了容器中所有已注册的组件的信息,
public interface IComponentRegistry : IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable{
/// <summary>
/// Gets the set of registered components.
/// </summary>
IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration> Registrations { get; }
IComponentContext 接口表示组件上下文,它包含了容器中已注册的组件的信息以及解析组件的能力
public interface IComponentContext
IComponentRegistry ComponentRegistry { get; }
object ResolveComponent(ResolveRequest request);
ILifetimeScope 在 IComponentContext 基础上增加了 生命周期范围
public interface ILifetimeScope : IComponentContext, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable{
ILifetimeScope BeginLifetimeScope();
ILifetimeScope BeginLifetimeScope(object tag);
ISharingLifetimeScope 支持父子嵌套的 ILifetimeScope,子可以获取父容器的服务
public interface ISharingLifetimeScope : ILifetimeScope{
public class LifetimeScope : Disposable, ISharingLifetimeScope, IServiceProvider{
//解析组件 实现 ILifetimeScope 接口
public object ResolveComponent(ResolveRequest request)
if (request == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));
var operation = new ResolveOperation(this, DiagnosticSource);
var handler = ResolveOperationBeginning;
handler?.Invoke(this, new ResolveOperationBeginningEventArgs(operation));
return operation.Execute(request);
// 解析组件 实现 IServiceProvider 接口
public object? GetService(Type serviceType)
if (serviceType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceType));
//还是用 ResolveOperation 去解析的
return this.ResolveOptional(serviceType);
IContainer 本质就是 ILifetimeScope
public interface IContainer : ILifetimeScope
DiagnosticListener DiagnosticSource { get; }
实现 IContainer 及 asp.net core 的 IServiceProvider 接口方法
public class Container : Disposable, IContainer, IServiceProvider{
private readonly LifetimeScope _rootLifetimeScope;
private readonly LifetimeScope _rootLifetimeScope;
internal Container(IComponentRegistry componentRegistry)
ComponentRegistry = componentRegistry;
_rootLifetimeScope = new LifetimeScope(ComponentRegistry);
//根范围上在开范围 实现 IContainer 接口方法
public ILifetimeScope BeginLifetimeScope()
return _rootLifetimeScope.BeginLifetimeScope();
// 实现 IComponentContext 的解析方法
public object ResolveComponent(ResolveRequest request)
return _rootLifetimeScope.ResolveComponent(request);
// 实现 IServiceProvider 接口方法
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
// GetService implementation on LifetimeScope either returns an object, or throws.
return ((IServiceProvider)_rootLifetimeScope).GetService(serviceType)!;
public interface IComponentRegistryBuilder : IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable{
IComponentRegistry Build();
void Register(IComponentRegistration registration);
internal class ComponentRegistryBuilder : Disposable, IComponentRegistryBuilder{
//内部使用的是 ConcurrentBag 进行保存组件描述
private readonly IRegisteredServicesTracker _registeredServicesTracker;
//把添加的组件放到 _registeredServicesTracker 里
public void Register(IComponentRegistration registration, bool preserveDefaults)
if (registration == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(registration));
_registeredServicesTracker.AddRegistration(registration, preserveDefaults);
//通过 _registeredServicesTracker 生成 IComponentRegistry
public IComponentRegistry Build()
// Mark our tracker as complete; no more adjustments to the registry
// will be made after this point.
// Go through all our registrations and build the component pipeline for each one.
foreach (var registration in _registeredServicesTracker.Registrations)
var componentRegistry = new ComponentRegistry(_registeredServicesTracker, Properties);
return componentRegistry;
ContainerBuilder 用于构建容器的配置。可以注册组件、指定组件的生命周期和参数依赖 IComponentRegistryBuilder 去注册组件
public sealed class ContainerBuilder{
public ContainerBuilder()
: this(new Dictionary<string, object?>())
_clearRegistrationCaches = IsFirstContainerBuilder();
//生成一个 ComponentRegistryBuilder 用来组测组件
internal ContainerBuilder(IDictionary<string, object?> properties)
: this(properties, new ComponentRegistryBuilder(
new DefaultRegisteredServicesTracker(), properties))
internal ContainerBuilder(IDictionary<string, object?> properties,
IComponentRegistryBuilder componentRegistryBuilder)
Properties = properties;
ComponentRegistryBuilder = componentRegistryBuilder;
public IComponentRegistryBuilder ComponentRegistryBuilder { get; }
public IDictionary<string, object?> Properties { get; }
public IContainer Build(ContainerBuildOptions options = ContainerBuildOptions.None){
var componentRegistry = ComponentRegistryBuilder.Build();
var result = new Container(componentRegistry);
return result
IRegistrationBuilder 及 RegistrationBuilder 用于更为详细的分步骤的去配置注入组件的过程最后 还是委托给 IComponentRegistryBuilder 及 ComponentRegistryBuilder 进行的注入
RegistrationExtensions 扩展类
public static IRegistrationBuilder<TImplementer, ConcreteReflectionActivatorData,
DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)] TImplementer>(
this ContainerBuilder builder)
where TImplementer : notnull
var rb = RegistrationBuilder.ForType<TImplementer>();
//注册回调给 IComponentRegistryBuilder cr
rb.RegistrationData.DeferredCallback = builder.RegisterCallback(cr =>
RegistrationBuilder.RegisterSingleComponent(cr, rb));
return rb;
静态类 RegistrationBuilder
public static IRegistrationBuilder<TImplementer,
ConcreteReflectionActivatorData, SingleRegistrationStyle> ForType<TImplementer>()
where TImplementer : notnull
return new RegistrationBuilder<TImplementer,
ConcreteReflectionActivatorData, SingleRegistrationStyle>(
new TypedService(typeof(TImplementer)),
new ConcreteReflectionActivatorData(typeof(TImplementer)),
new SingleRegistrationStyle());
//TLimit 对外暴漏的接口 TActivatorData 实现类型
public interface IRegistrationBuilder<
out TLimit, out TActivatorData, out TRegistrationStyle>{
//每个组件的注册都需要生成唯一一个 RegistrationBuilder
internal class RegistrationBuilder<TLimit, TActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle>
: IRegistrationBuilder<TLimit, TActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle>, IHideObjectMembers
where TLimit : notnull
// 注册组件
public static void RegisterSingleComponent<TLimit, TActivatorData,
IComponentRegistryBuilder cr,
IRegistrationBuilder<TLimit, TActivatorData, TSingleRegistrationStyle> builder)
where TSingleRegistrationStyle : SingleRegistrationStyle
where TActivatorData : IConcreteActivatorData
var registration = CreateRegistration(builder);
cr.Register(registration, builder.RegistrationStyle.PreserveDefaults);
var registeredEventArgs = new ComponentRegisteredEventArgs(cr, registration);
foreach (var rh in builder.RegistrationStyle.RegisteredHandlers)
rh(cr, registeredEventArgs);
一种结构化的注入方法本质是 用 IComponentRegistryBuilder 传递给模块进行注册
public interface IModule
void Configure(IComponentRegistryBuilder componentRegistry);
public abstract class Module : IModule{
public void Configure(IComponentRegistryBuilder componentRegistry)
var moduleBuilder = new ContainerBuilder(componentRegistry.Properties);
protected virtual void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
public interface IModuleRegistrar{
public ModuleRegistrarData RegistrarData { get; }
IModuleRegistrar RegisterModule(IModule module);
internal class ModuleRegistrar : IModuleRegistrar{
private Action<IComponentRegistryBuilder>? _moduleConfigureChain;
public ModuleRegistrar(ContainerBuilder builder)
//给 builder 注册委托链条,在 Build 的时候会执行此委托链条
var callback = builder.RegisterCallback(reg => _moduleConfigureChain?.Invoke(reg));
RegistrarData = new ModuleRegistrarData(callback);
public ModuleRegistrarData RegistrarData { get; }
public IModuleRegistrar RegisterModule(IModule module)
// Override the original callback to chain the module configuration.
var original = _moduleConfigureChain;
_moduleConfigureChain = reg =>
// Call the original.
// Call the new module register.
return this;
ModuleRegistrationExtensions 注册给
public static IModuleRegistrar RegisterModule<TModule>(this ContainerBuilder builder)
where TModule : IModule, new()
var registrar = new ModuleRegistrar(builder);
return registrar.RegisterModule<TModule>();
上面构建的委托链什么时候执行 ContainerBuilder 的 Build 方法会执行委托链条
private void Build(IComponentRegistryBuilder componentRegistry, bool excludeDefaultModules)
foreach (var callback in _configurationCallbacks)
autofac 用的是表达式树生成 IL 语言 相关代码的 reflect 文件夹,为了提供性能会把表达式树做成 缓存
RegistrationData 暴漏的接口服务
public class RegistrationData
private bool _defaultServiceOverridden;
private Service _defaultService;
private readonly ICollection<Service> _services = new HashSet<Service>();
private IComponentLifetime _lifetime = CurrentScopeLifetime.Instance;
public RegistrationData(Service defaultService)
_defaultService = defaultService ??
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(defaultService));
Metadata = new Dictionary<string, object?>
{ MetadataKeys.RegistrationOrderMetadataKey,
SequenceGenerator.GetNextUniqueSequence() },
public IEnumerable<Service> Services
if (_defaultServiceOverridden)
return _services;
return _services.DefaultIfEmpty(_defaultService);
public void AddServices(IEnumerable<Service> services)
if (services == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(services));
_defaultServiceOverridden = true; // important even when services is empty
foreach (var service in services)
public void AddService(Service service)
if (service == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(service));
_defaultServiceOverridden = true;
public InstanceOwnership Ownership { get; set; } =
public IComponentLifetime Lifetime
return _lifetime;
_lifetime = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
public InstanceSharing Sharing { get; set; } = InstanceSharing.None;
public IDictionary<string, object?> Metadata { get; }
public RegistrationOptions Options { get; set; }
public DeferredCallback? DeferredCallback { get; set; }
public void CopyFrom(RegistrationData that, bool includeDefaultService)
if (that == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(that));
Ownership = that.Ownership;
Sharing = that.Sharing;
Lifetime = that.Lifetime;
_defaultServiceOverridden |= that._defaultServiceOverridden;
if (includeDefaultService)
_defaultService = that._defaultService;
AddAll(_services, that._services);
AddAll(Metadata, that.Metadata.Where(
m => m.Key != MetadataKeys.RegistrationOrderMetadataKey));
private static void AddAll<T>(ICollection<T> to, IEnumerable<T> from)
foreach (var item in from)
public void ClearServices()
_defaultServiceOverridden = true;
public class ReflectionActivatorData
private Type _implementer = default!;
private IConstructorFinder _constructorFinder;
private IConstructorSelector _constructorSelector;
private static readonly IConstructorFinder DefaultConstructorFinder =
new DefaultConstructorFinder();
private static readonly IConstructorSelector DefaultConstructorSelector =
new MostParametersConstructorSelector();
public ReflectionActivatorData(Type implementer)
ImplementationType = implementer;
_constructorFinder = DefaultConstructorFinder;
_constructorSelector = DefaultConstructorSelector;
public Type ImplementationType
return _implementer;
_implementer = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
public IConstructorFinder ConstructorFinder
return _constructorFinder;
_constructorFinder = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
public IConstructorSelector ConstructorSelector
return _constructorSelector;
_constructorSelector = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
public IList<Parameter> ConfiguredParameters { get; } = new List<Parameter>();
public IList<Parameter> ConfiguredProperties { get; } = new List<Parameter>();
public readonly struct ServiceRegistration : IEquatable<ServiceRegistration>
public ServiceRegistration(
IResolvePipeline servicePipeline, IComponentRegistration registration)
Pipeline = servicePipeline ??
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(servicePipeline));
Registration = registration ??
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(registration));
public IResolvePipeline Pipeline { get; }
public IComponentRegistration Registration { get; }
public IDictionary<string, object?> Metadata => Registration.Metadata;
public long GetRegistrationOrder() => Registration.GetRegistrationOrder();
public override bool Equals(object? obj)
return obj is ServiceRegistration registration && Equals(registration);
public bool Equals(ServiceRegistration other)
return Pipeline == other.Pipeline && Registration == other.Registration;
public override int GetHashCode()
if (Pipeline is null || Registration is null)
return 0;
return Pipeline.GetHashCode() ^ Registration.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(ServiceRegistration left, ServiceRegistration right)
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(ServiceRegistration left, ServiceRegistration right)
return !(left == right);
IRegistrationSource 接口是一个非常有用的接口,它允许我们动态地(在运行时)注册和解析依赖项 。它是 AUTOFAC 的一个核心组件,用于实现依赖注入(Dependency Injection)的功能。允许用户使 用底层的接口去自定义注入和解析,在常规的 api 不能满足的情况下作为最后的解决方法
- Func
等,用于动态创建组件;Func<T,U> - Owned
手动控制组件的使用寿命; - IEnumerable
获取服务的所有实现者; - 开放泛型注册
interface IHandler<in TCommand>;
void Handle(TCommand command);
class Command { }
class DerivedCommand : Command { }
class CommandHandler : IHandler<Command> { ... }
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.RegisterSource(new ContravariantRegistrationSource());
var container = builder.Build();
// 在解析 IHandler<DerivedCommand> 组件的时候,
// 因为没有注册任何实现此接口的实现类,就会寻找已经注册的注册源去解析,
// 找到所有已经注册的可以匹配的实现类
// 比如这里注册的 CommandHandler
var handler = container.Resolve<IHandler<DerivedCommand>>();
handler.Handle(new DerivedCommand());